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ACP Family Bookstore
8. Pastoral Introductions

Come to the Feast
Come to the Feast
By Fragomeni, Richard N.
1998-10 - Continnuum-3pl
0826411290 - Paperback

This book is noted liturgist Richard Fragomeni's attempt to revive the Mass through a spiritual interpretation of the Eucharistic story. With characteristic verve, he offers a central notion by which we can experience the fullness of the Eucharist--as an extraordinary, overwhelming gift that is God's Self. ...More

The Holy Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist - Paperback
By Lovasik, Lawrence G.
2011-10 - Catholic Book Publishing Corp
0899423973 - Paperback

In simple language and illustrated with colorful pictures, this book explains Holy Eucharist to children to help them understand and take part.

The Holy Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist - Hardcover
By Lovasik, Lawrence G.
1995-02 - Catholic Book Publishing Corp
0899422241 - Hardcover

In simple language and illustrated with colorful pictures, this book explains Holy Eucharist to children to help them understand and take part.

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Father Michael Gilligan

Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]

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