11. Divine Office/Liturgy of the Hours
Liturgy of the Hours (Set of 4) Large Print
By Catholic Book Publishing Co
2005-09 - Catholic Book Publishing Corp
0899427103 - Boxed Set
We now have the large-print Liturgy of the Hours, as pictured, right here at ACP, ready to be shipped out to you.
This is a beautiful, easy-to-read edition, perhaps the finest available. As you would expect, it's very much in demand. In fact, for some time to come, other bookstores or the Warehouse may be out of stock of this large-print edition; here at ACP, we have it here. Order it
Liturgy of the Hours
By Catholic Book Publishing Co
1975-07 - Catholic Book Publishing Corp
0899424090 - Boxed Set
As of this moment, we have a large number of sets of this vinyl-bound edition in stock; even if you read on the left, "Out of stock in warehouse," that's ok. We have several sets here on the shelf, ready to be shipped to you. Just place your order, now.
As you may know, there is also a ...More
Liturgy of the Hours - Leather Bound
By Catholic Book Publishing Co
1988-06 - Catholic Book Publishing Corp
0899424112 - Boxed Set
As of this moment, we have six sets of this black, leather-bound edition on the shelf here, ready to be shipped to you. Other bookstores may be out of stock. However, we do have this black, leather-bound edition in stock; just go ahead and place your order.
As you may know, there is also a ...More
Shorter Christian Prayer
By National Conference of Catholi
1988-05 - Catholic Book Publishing Corp
0899424082 - Hardcover
This shorter edition of Christian Prayer presents a selection of material for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer in a format that is easier for the lay person to use that the complete Christian Prayer or the four-volume Liturgy of the Hours.
Christian Prayer Box- T-407 Lrg
By International Commission on English in T
1986-04 - Catholic Book Publishing Corp
0899424074 - Boxed Set
For the regular print edition of CHRISTIAN PRAYER, in burgundy binding, see ISBN 0899424066.
For the regular print edition of CHRISTIAN PRAYER, in black leather binding, see ISBN ...More
Christian Prayer - Imitation Leather
By Catholic Book Publishing Co
1976-07 - Catholic Book Publishing Corp
0899424066 - Imitation Leather
This volume is liturgically accurate, magnificently printed, and beautifully bound as befits it use for the Prayer of the Church. You will find this book ideal for both your private and your communal daily prayer. This product has a font size of 10.
For the large print edition of CHRISTIAN PRAYER, see ISBN 0899424074.
For the black leather bound edition of CHRISTIAN PRAYER, see ISBN 0899424244.
In content, all
The Glenstal Book of Prayer: A Benedictine Prayer Book
By Monks of Glenstal Abbey
2001-08 - Liturgical Press
0814627676 - Hardcover
The Glenstal Book of Prayer is a rich resource for the dark, mysterious, but exciting journey which is prayer. It draws on the wisdom of the Bible, enshrined in Benedictine liturgy, on the experience of modern monks, and on the wisdom of the Christian Church. Coming as it does from an Irish monastery, it reflects in a special way the Celtic traditionwith its earthy, popular, and devotional
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Father Michael Gilligan
Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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