
2016-03 - Paperback
Liguori Publications
Preparation for Death: Prayers and Consolations for the Final Journey
By Liguori, Alfonso Maria de'
Editor Muckerman, Norman
From the former editor of Liguorian magazine comes this thoughtful compilation of selections from Saint Alphonsus Liguori. He is a favorite among spiritual seekers for years, he guides readers on a journey of knowledge focusing not on the end of life, but on the beginning of the spiritual afterlife. Preparation for Death offers encouraging insights into facing death without fear through faith in Gods eternal plan for us. An illuminating guide for those preparing for the spiritual transition in death.
Publisher Comments
From the former editor of Liguorian magazine comes this thoughtful compilation of selections from Saint Alphonsus Liguori. He is a favorite among spiritual seekers for years, he guides readers on a journey of knowledge focusing not on the end of life, but on the beginning of the spiritual afterlife. Preparation for Death offers encouraging insights into facing death without fear through faith in God's eternal plan for us. An illuminating guide for those preparing for the spiritual transition in death. Paperback
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Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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