
1998-09 - Hardcover
Liturgical Press
Lectionary for Mass, Chapel Edition: Sundays (One-Volume)
By Various
The Chaple Edition contains all of the features of the Classic Edition, but in a smaller size. Volume I: Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord and the Saints
Publisher Comments
The Chapel Edition contains all the features of the Classic Edition, but in a new, smaller size. Special features of this edition: easy-to-handle 7 x 9 size gold-stamped front, back, and spine hardcover ribbon marker all Sunday texts in one volume tint-edged Paper: 45 lb. Glatfelter Offset, machine finish Typestyle: Cheltenham bold, 11 pt. type New American Bible translation
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Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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