
1993-08 - Hardcover
ACP Publications
American Catholic Hymnbook: The Johannine Hymnal, Accompaniment Edition -Spiralbound
By Gilligan, Michael
Illustrator Virginia Broderick
This keyboard accompaniment edition of the American Catholic Hymnbook is truly valuable. To save the organist time and trouble, verses of songs are printed within the staves, so there is no looking up and down to find the place. Page-turning is kept to a minimum by reprinting refrains on successive pages. Alternate settings are clearly indicated, to give the musician variety in choice and ease in planning. A full set of indexes, including a metrical index, also is included. Such a metrical index can be a great help in choosing appropriate texts. Overall, large print and clear format make for convenience and easy reading. This accompaniment book is really two volumes in one, within a single, rigid cover. All songs are in landscape format, so more music fits on each page, saving you the trouble of turning pages.
Publisher Comments
This book, as mentioned, is two volumes in one binder; it's really big, to allow for elimination of page turning and texts up between the staves. It's easy to read but heavy to lift.
For a condensed edition of this book, with many of the same songs, as well as a similar format, order the Leaflet Missal Keyboard Accompaniment Book. It's also available at a lower price than that of the American Catholic Hymnbook Keyboard Edition.
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Father Michael Gilligan
Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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