
2001-08 - Hardcover
Liturgical Press
The Glenstal Book of Prayer: A Benedictine Prayer Book
By Monks of Glenstal Abbey
The Glenstal Book of Prayer is a rich resource for the dark, mysterious, but exciting journey which is prayer. It draws on the wisdom of the Bible, enshrined in Benedictine liturgy, on the experience of modern monks, and on the wisdom of the Christian Church. Coming as it does from an Irish monastery, it reflects in a special way the Celtic traditionwith its earthy, popular, and devotional prayers.
Publisher Comments
This rich, nourishing prayer book draws on the strength of Benedictine and Celtic spirituality. It offers morning and evening prayer, night prayer, prayer for special moments during the day, prayers for special occasions, additional psalms for meditation, and a series of quotations from the Rule of St. Benedict--all in a beautifully bound book printed in two colors throughout. With ribbon marker.
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Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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