
2010 - Hardcover
Scarecrow press
From Altar-Throne to Table: The Campaign for Frequent Holy Communion in the Catholic Church (ATLA Monograph #50)
By dougherty, Joseph
This book investigates one of the most successful liturgical reforms in Catholic history. Only a century ago, faithful, practicing Catholics received Holy Communion once a year; now, among American English-speaking Catholics, Holy Communion is a routine, weekly devotional practice.
Publisher Comments
From Altar-Throne to Table: The Campaign for Frequent Holy Communion in the Catholic Church investigates what the celebrated scholar of liturgy Robert A. Taft, SJ, calls the greatest and most successful liturgical reform in Catholic history. Only a century ago, faithful, practicing Catholics received Holy Communion only once a year; now, among American English-speaking Catholics, Holy Communion is a routine, weekly devotional practice. This book explains how and why this ritual sea-change happened.
This book emphasizes that significant ritual change may occur while liturgical texts remain the same, and it also proposes a method for understanding the causes for such a ritual change. It admonishes not to project current ritual practice into even our recent past. Further, it implies an explanation for the massive decline in Catholics' use of the sacrament of reconciliation.
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[Tobit 7:1]
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