
2011-09 - Paperback
Catholic Book Publishing Corp
First Communion Bible-NABRE-Saint Joseph
By Catholic Book Publishing Co.
This edition of the New American Bible (Confraternity), approved by the American bishops, is an appropriate First Communion gift. This Catholic Book version comes in two editions, one for a boy, one for a girl. This particular book is for a girl.
The type is 9 point, a readable size for any child. The book itself is a little over five by eight inches; it's in a convenient size, easy to handle. Just like the other edition, for a boy, this edition for a girl provides several useful features: - A beautiful, full-color certificate, for First Communion, as a permanent record of the day.
- A presentation page, wherein pertinent data can be recorded, such as name, place, and date. Such a page makes the book a keepsake.
- An extensive section of prayers, making it convenient for the First Communion recipient to learn what to say and what to believe. This section includes the Our Father, the Rosary, and the Nicene Creed. Also included is a listing of all seven sacraments.
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Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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