
1986-04 - Boxed Set
Catholic Book Publishing Corp
Christian Prayer Box- T-407 Lrg
By International Commission on English in T
For the regular print edition of CHRISTIAN PRAYER, in burgundy binding, see ISBN 0899424066.
For the regular print edition of CHRISTIAN PRAYER, in black leather binding, see ISBN 0899424244.
In content, all three editions are identical, except that the large print edition does not have music for the hymns.
For a choice of other editions of the Liturgy of the Hours, as well as pastoral guidebooks and commentaries, visit the ACP Family Bookstore, the featured category on the left, entitled Divine Office/Liturgy of the Hours.
As you know, CHRISTIAN PRAYER is in one volume. The four-volume edition of the Liturgy of the Hours is available in two bindings: vinyl and black leather.
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Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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