
2011-02 - Hardcover
Regina Press Malhame & Company
Catholic Child's First Communion Bible-OE
By Hoagland, Rev Victor
While enjoying this perfect First Communion gift, children will love you for giving it to them. This lovely Bible comes with a padded simulated leather cover, gold edging and gift boxed.
Publisher Comments
Edited by Rev. Victor Hoagland, C.P. This is an ideal beginning bible for young Catholics from ages 6-9. It includes a chapter on the Catholic Church, and has pages to record both family and personal history, A perfect way to introduce young children to the bible. This bible is now available in gift edition to help young children celebrate the important sacramental events in their lives. Size: 4-1/2" x 6".
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Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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