
2002-05 - Paperback
ACTA Publications
Beginning Your Marriage
By Thomas, John L.
Revised by Wagner, Joan McGuinness
The best resource available for marriage preparation just got better. Written in a breezy, accessible, insightful style, Beginning Your Marriage is presently used by Catholic dioceses and parishes throughout the world as the basic resource for marriage preparation.
Publisher Comments
The classic Catholic marriage manual used by over 3 million engaged and newly married couples has been updated and revised for the twenty-first century. Written in a breezy, accessible style, Beginning Your Marriage is used by dioceses and parishes throughout the world as a basic text for marriage preparation. It offers a comprehensive, insightful presentation from a Catholic perspective on the issues central to the institution and sacrament of marriage. Topics include love, fidelity, relationship, communication, sexuality, parenting, finances, religion, spirituality and commitment. The new Ninth Edition of this classic marriage preparation and enrichment resource pays special attention to contemporary social and religious concerns, including cohabitation before marriage, family of origin and interfaith marriage. Blended families, infertility, two-income households and interethnic marriages are also considered. Engaged couples, students in family life courses and newly married couples have all used this book to deepen their understanding of marriage and the richness of life that is possible for a husband and wife.
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Father Michael Gilligan
Bene valeatis, fratres. Intrate, salvi et sani!
[Tobit 7:1]
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